"Regardless of the segment, the biggest villain of strategies is communication, according to PMI research. About 76% of companies say that is the main reason for failure."
So ... would you like to communicate efficiently?
Founder of Ludicmaps
I am a lover of organizational interaction. Passionate about communicating with quality, engaging people with the strategies and goals of organizations!
I have MBA in Business Management (FGV-SP), Leadership & Innovation (PUC-RS) with graduation in Computer Science (FATEC-SP) and Multimidia´s Design (SENAC-SP). I have dozens of certificates in different areas from Andragogy to Data Science and Agile Projects. Professionally I build my experience in large organizations in the most diverse segments (JP Morgan & Chase, Usiminas, MSC and Organizacional Strategy Consulting).
Illustration and drawing has been a part of my life since my chidlhood, time when in to solve mathematical equations I made use of the ludic to enhance my own learning and comprehension.
That helped me translate the world in a much more uniformed and exclusive way. Nowadays I easily align Art and logic.
Bachelor in both Technology and Creation, I have worked in large organizations, such as JP Morgan & Chase and Usiminas. I have been interpreting complex problems and turning them into ludic engagement solutions for over 40 thousand professionals in 125 organizations.
Any subject or matter, despite how complicated or complex, can be transformed and applied to a universal language. And the most efficient way to do so is through learning maps. They help to manage projects assuring that everyone involved follows the same path and direction.
We believe that any knowledge can be transmitted in a simple and universal way, through memorable, engaging and innovative learning experiences.
Ludicmaps is formed by a network of partners specialized in human resources, marketing, psychologists, educators, teachers, strategic consultants, designers, computer engineers and audio and video producers.